

パプアニューギニア 地震


パプアニューギニア M7.0の地震



7 mww± 0.0

■震源地 Papua New Guinea
4.292°S  143.155°E± 8.1 km

62.6 km± 4.8

2023-04-02 18:04:10.747 UTC


パプアニューギニア 地震





M7.0 quake hits northern Papua New Guinea

A powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 struck East Sepik Province in northern Papua New Guinea early Monday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

The quake hit some 700 kilometers northwest of the capital Port Moresby around 4:04 a.m. local time at a depth of 62.6 km. It was not immediately clear whether there were injuries or damage caused by the quake.

There is no threat of tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii.

The Japanese Embassy in Papua New Guinea said it has received no information that Japanese nationals have been affected.

Papua New Guinea sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire, a region at the edge of the Pacific Ocean that experiences frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

©KYODO NEWS 202304031228




地震検知日時 緯度 経度 マグニチュード 震源の深さ 震央地名
2023/04/03 03:04 南緯04.3度 東経143.2度 7.3 深さ不明 ニューギニア付近




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